Rich JavaScript Applications – the Seven Frameworks (Throne of JS, 2012) – Steve Sanderson’s blog – As seen on YouTube™
Very comprehensive article! It gives a clue about most MV* (MVC, MVVM etc.) Javascript framework. Every developer should know this stuff, since transferring most of the logic of an application to the client has many advantages, including:
1- Better and more dynamic interfaces;
2- More speed due to the lack of page loading time;
3- Very easy to convert the web app into a mobile native app with Phonegap or similar “HTML5” solutions.
Economic policy: Spot the socialists | The Economist
Economic policy: Spot the socialists | The Economist
Growth in public sector employment in the first four years of recent Presidencies. As you can see, it has contracted under Barack Obama, as it did under Ronald Reagan; the real “big government” types were the two Bushes.
American Airlines Celebrates Mechanic’s 70 Years of Service –
American Airlines Celebrates Mechanic’s 70 Years of Service –
This story’s so good!
“Not a single person at the Aurora, Colorado theater shot back…”
“Not a single person at the Aurora, Colorado theater shot back…”
I just quoted Roger Ebert’s excellent New York Times op-ed about the Aurora shooting, but really, you should read the whole thing. The entire thing is quote-worthy.
Another key excerpt:
Should this young man — whose nature was apparently so obvious to his mother that, when a ABC News reporter called, she said “You have the right person” — have been able to buy guns, ammunition and explosives? The gun lobby will say yes. And the endless gun control debate will begin again, and the lobbyists of the National Rifle Association will go to work, and the op-ed thinkers will have their usual thoughts, and the right wing will issue alarms, and nothing will change. And there will be another mass murder.
That James Holmes is insane, few may doubt. Our gun laws are also insane, but many refuse to make the connection. The United States is one of few developed nations that accepts the notion of firearms in public hands. In theory, the citizenry needs to defend itself. Not a single person at the Aurora, Colo., theater shot back, but the theory will still be defended.
If anyone’s stance is really going to be that citizens need guns to protect themselves, it should be viewed that this idea failed yesterday in a way far worse than if guns were outlawed in this country. Nearly 100 people failed to use their gun rights to protect themselves. And 12 people have died as a result. A complete and utter failure of that right.
Of course, that right is actually preposterous. It’s 2012, not 1712.
Instagram for Android
Finally, Instagram for Android! Check it out on the new Android of the Instagram website (featuring the Google Play link).
The Wealth & Health of Nations
The Wealth & Health of Nations
Great use of svg animation (and some js code) to re-create the Rosling’s chart presented at the 2006 TED Talk.
Glancee and Highlight apps
Well, IMHO Glancee features a better battery optimisation, compared to Highlight. Having Highlight installed implied that my GPS was almost always active, using Glancee I didn’t experience this sort of issue.
Pros and cons of Node.js
I’m sick of all those fanboys and haters throwing out their silly arguments supporting or against Node.js, so I decided to look for a more honest analysis and I found this one which is rational and reasonably balanced.